Getting from the Engine Room to the Bridge

Get a concrete personalized plan for making the biggest jump of your technology career!


How to evolve from an engineer into an executive.

The path to the C-suite is not an obvious one. Many people struggle to build the skills and awareness required to acquire senior leadership positions. This video will show you the three steps to getting out of the Engine Room and up to the Bridge.

Have you received feedback that you're "just not ready for senior leadership?" Have a direct report who fails to acknowledge your authority? Confused and frustrated by the apparent Game of Thrones that occurs in the boardrooms of most companies?

This 20 minute video will give you some clear insight into the murky world of senior leadership, and help you identify where you need to focus your growth efforts.

Ready to take the next step?

Let's talk about your path to success.

Book your free one-hour consultation and get the following:

  • A thorough review of your current situation, including inner barriers and external constraints.

  • An honest assessment of your position on the path to the C-Suite and what skills you need in order to get there.

  • Concrete and actionable advice on how to overcome your own inner barriers that you can start working on immediately.

  • NO HARD SELL! No obligation to enroll in the Masterclass, or my coaching programs, or work with me any further. Just free actionable advice now.